Wednesday, April 20, 2011


hye stalker :getlost:
 Bulan nie jea aku banyak nangis larh ,dah nak naik banjir rumah aku nie ..aku asyik mengalah jea untuk KEBAHAGIAAN org lain ,tapi aku langsong tak piker tentang diri aku nie ..mayb sebab SI EHEM tuu lagi kwott =,='
tambah pulak 2 weeks lagi nak exam mid year ~BABUN tau !!ya ALLAH ...tolong larh hamba muu yg lemah dalam bidang pendidikan nie :pinch:dah larh subjek PA ,KIMIA ,BIO ,SEJARAH ,ADD MATH ,langsong aku tak paham ..nak pegi tusyen pon dh tak sempat sebab mayb dye org dah banyak belajar .kang aku masok jea bertambah serabott kepale nie ..aku pegi tusyen bukan nyee belajar pon  >0<'
ape nak buat nie ?ujian formatif 1 dh larh fail ,mcm hapee jea ..hakktuiihh !!
nak cube FOKUS time kt class tpi xbole larh ~kelas kalo senyap sunyi ,SUMPAHH membosankan !!ibu ,ayah ,kawan2 ,kaum kerabat ..doakan yang terbaik ea untuk exam aku nie nanti :smile:

It sad when people you know become people you knew ,
when you can walk right past someone ,
like they were never a big part of your life ,
 how you used to be able to talk for hours and now you can barely even look at them 

I wanna be the girl ,
he gives his hoodie ,
 to wear and cuddles up 
next to when its cold ,
he'll be the one who ,
comes up behind me ,
wraps his arms around my waist ,
catches me off 
♥ guard and whispers you look beautiful 

when i smile at you ,i want you to know 
, deep my hearts just i knew that ,
:smile:I LOVE YOU:smile:

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